28th May 2019Entrants to AlphaPilot autonomous drone competition announced Drones & Air Taxis By Ben Sampson Nine AlphaPilot teams of engineers are to develop and compete in the new Artificial Intelligence Robotic Racing aerial race later this year
8th October 2018S-97 Raider exceeds speed expectations during flight tests Helicopters & Rotorcraft By Ben Sampson The prototype light tactical helicopter is being developed for the US Army
17th July 2018Farnborough 2018: F-35 to get upgrades as certification continues Avionics By Ben Sampson Major upgrades to the F-35’s systems are being tested and developed so they can be…
14th September 2017Second Lockheed Martin GPS III satellite completes acoustic testing Acoustic & Vibration By Anthony James Launch is the most strenuous part of a satellite’s life. To survive the extreme sound…